The Copenhagen home of Marianne Brandi and Keld Mikkelsen was in the January issue of Living Etc. I love the mixtures of rich textiles, bold stripes a few bright colors and touches of gleaming silver. They are designer and creative director of Day Birger Mikkelsen, the Danish fashion and home company, so many of the cushions and accessories are part of their line. I also think it's incredible that this apartment is part of a purpose-built block! I don't know where you live, but in London, purpose-built housing certainly doesn't normally feature period crown molding, huge windows and high ceilings!
I have always liked Day Birger home accessories that I see featured in magazines, however I can never find where to buy them! It's frustrating that UK magazines feature this brand but they never mention where to shop for the items. Have any of you seen Day Birger Home items ouside of Denmark?
Wow - gorgeous apartment! I haven't seen any Day Birger Mikkelsen homewares in London but I'll let you know if I do.
So cool love it, I wish I could get hold of a cushion like that black/white pattern with fuchsia colors.
Really nice! thanks for the inspiration.
enjoying the hell out of your sight.
{not. a. misspelling.}
well done, you!
I saw this too and loved it. That study is to die for!
ha, this is funny but I have a Day Birger Mikkelsen cushion cover that's purple cotton with 3 big paisley shaped embroideries on the front - same as one you can just see in fuschia in the picture here and I was thinking of selling it as it didn't really look right in my flat. Leave me a comment if you're interested - I can send you a pic or something...
Love this beautiful space - my sister spent a year in Denmark and came home completely in love - beautiful Scandinavian design like this was a big reason why!
Love your blog - you capture so many beautiful spaces!
thank you all for your comments!
karey: thanks so much. and thank you for introducing me to mark yankus' photography- wrapped within a sweet story.
Claire: thanks for the offer- I don't think I can use purple at the time but I do appreciate your asking.
A life more fabulous: thank you for the compliment. I'd love to capture spaces with my own photos someday, perhaps.
I love the tree on the table. Such a great idea (especially when you're someone like me with a cat and a baby!), and the shape of the tree looks perfect that style of table.
God, your blog is so good sometimes I can't even look at it! Ha!
Maybe you'll like my design project:
Check out the current issue of Coastal Living (Feb. 2010). It features this couple's getaway home in St. Bart's. The photos reminded me of their Copenhagen apt., before I read the article and discoverd it was the same people.
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